Best fishing Camps and lodges in Uganda

Murchison falls national park is Uganda’s largest protected area with a chunk of untamed African savannah bisected by the mighty River Nile which is a top breeding site for the mighty Nile perch. The park is named after the dramatic Murchison falls, where the world’s longest river explodes violently through a narrow cleft in the rift valley escarpment to plunge into a frothing pool 43m below. Wildlife populations have largely recovered from the poaching of the 1980s; in the lush grassland to the north of the Nile, elephant, buffalo, giraffe, and a variety of antelopes are regularly encountered on game drives, while lions are seen with increasing frequency. In the southeast, Rabongo forest is home to chimps and other rainforest creatures.

The Nile itself hosts one of Africa’s densest hippo and crocodile populations, and a dazzling variety of water birds including the world’s most inaccessible wild populations of the rare shoebill stork.

Fishing camps and lodges

Depending on the choice of the clients our tour packages include usually two types of accommodation depending on the period one is intending to stay for during the trip in Murchison falls national park for Entebbe accommodation is not an issue as there are several guest houses available opposed to the national park where there are limited accommodation facilities.

1. Booking lodges near the Mariner

There are 4 lodges with different prices tag Paraa safari lodge which goes for $300-400 USD per person, Murchison River lodge or Twiga safari lodge which are our favorites and they go from $150-200 per person per night and the budget option is Red chilli rest camp which goes for $80-100 per person per night

2. setting up a semi-permanent wilderness fishing camp

Our experts can arrange a fishing camp where we will set up semi-permanent camps in the heart of African wilderness and take a chef and a help to help with cleaning the tents and this is highly recommended for hard core fishing and long stay clients like 1 week fishing safari in Murchison falls.

Our Top fishing Lodges in Murchison Falls

Red chilli rest Camp

Wilderness fishing camp